Memories, Moments, and Meals: The Importance of Food Beyond Nutrition

Stick around if you want to hear an example of why food is so much more than calories and fat loss and has a huge role to play in so many different areas of your life. I promise it will help. If you were to ask my mum who her favourite people would be, besides me, of course, she would say her grandparents. And every time she would go to see her grandad, he would give her some pocket money and he’d walk her down the shop to buy some sweets. Even more special, because her other grandparents owned the little corner shop that they used to go to. So when I was born, her grandad, my great grandpops, used to do the exact same with me. No need to tell me that. I was adorable. I still am. And you can see me walking along the road holding a pack of fruit pastilles, proud of my purchase. When I went to see my mum the other day, we were planning a day out, so I took her to where her grandad used to live and we did the little walk down to the corner shop to buy some sweets. And I bought fruit pastilles, the same as I always bought when I was with him. Because every time I see fruit pastilles, I think of my great grandpops and those memories. I don’t think of calories or sugar or how I can’t eat them because I’m on a diet. Like I said, I just see memories. So remember that food is so much more than just fuel and energy. Food is social, cultural, celebratory, and provides us with so many memories to look back on. Think of the first time you take your child out for a slice of cake. Yeah, that’s my first ever one. You see that happiness? You shouldn’t ever lose that. And I can’t wait to take my future kids out for their first cake, their first pizza, or just walk down to the corner shop for their first pack of sweets. So if you find yourself missing out on foods, or some foods just feel scary, try making memories with them. For example, if you forbid yourself cake because you typically tend to overeat it, why not go to the cake shop with your family and buy an individual one each for after dinner? Or go out to the coffee shop with your kids and get a piece of cake each, or share one. You’ll soon find out that one piece of cake on its own isn’t that scary. And you’ve probably been missing out on many memories along the way. And it may just help take away that temptation to eat a lot of cake in one go when no one’s about. And if I’ve made food sound a little bit less scary, well, you might wanna stick around and click the follow button, cause it’s kind of what I’m here to do.