From Broke to Business Success: How I Used Rich Dad, Poor Dad Principles to Achieve Financial Freedom

So two years ago, I started my business with $50 in my pocket. That bought me a website. I was taking appointments via email, and here’s where I am today. I read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and it changed my life so profoundly. I want to share what I have Learned about money because I just placed an order for my dream car. 2025 Escalade. So excited. I won’t get it till March, but I started with $50, pretty much broke nothing. And I just did that. And it’s all because of what people really on this app and the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad taught me about money. Money is just a big circle. Money is an illusion. A scarcity mindset will not ever get you money, okay? You have to view money as having a fundamentally different purpose than you’ve ever thought about it having. And then you can make more of it. The purpose of money is not to pay bills. It’s not to pay bills, and it’s not to save, and it’s not to pay off debt. In fact, if you wanna have real money, like as Paul Copthorne would say, if you money, you need to not be afraid of debt. Okay, so here’s the real secret. The purpose of money is for each dollar that you have to make babies. So you want each dollar, you have to be working for you to make more dollars. Okay? But what most people do, Is they get their money, they pay off their bills, and then they spend their money on extras and luxuries and liabilities and things that maybe make them look and feel better, but that don’t make their monies make babies. There are really three ways that your monies will make babies, okay? You take $1, and you want that dollar to make as many babies as possible. So you really have three options. You can take that dollar, and you can invest it in the stock market. Okay? And you can let the market do its thing. And I really highly suggest becoming knowledgeable about the stock market. I still don’t. There’s so much I don’t know, but, um, the little bit that I do know, I’ve been doing pretty well. Number two, real estate. You can actually get into real estate without having any of your own money. And there’s a million people, it feels like, on here teaching you how to do that. Okay? Rich Dad, Poor Dad also talks about it. So real estate will eventually make you money because it eventually appreciates, etc. And it’s a huge tax deduction. The depreciation is actually a huge tax deduction when really it really appreciates. Um, and then the third way to make money is to buy businesses that you can improve and make more profitable. And there’s, like, a million ways to make deals to buy businesses. Um, this is personally not the route that I have gone. Um, I started, um, I have two businesses. Um, I’m about to launch into my third subsidiary of, um, my current business in my company. And, um, so I prefer starting my own businesses because I like to have control. I don’t wanna have to go into a business that I don’t know anything about. Um, but a lot of people do it. People buy laundromats, they buy, you know, car washes, they buy all sorts of stuff. Now, you do have to have a little bit of money to be able to purchase those businesses. But most people, if they start understanding that the purpose of money is not to pay bills and buy stuff that doesn’t make you money, when the purpose of money is to use those dollars to make baby dollars, right? And then those dollars make more dollars. And then those dollars make more dollars. If you see money as that circle, okay? You are going to make money, y’all. There are people over here on TikTok Shop making like 50, 60, 70, 80 grand a month. Eighty three grand a month is a million dollar business. You can do this. You can do this. If I, who had no business sense, no idea about money, can do this, you can do it too. You can start right now. You can go get yourself a can account called stash, okay? It’s the app called stash. And every time you wanna buy something stupid like a New purse, a new pair of shoes, a new, you know, whatever. Something that’s not gonna make you make babies with your dollars. I want you to take that money, and I want you to put it in your stash account. And then you’re gonna take all your money that you get, and you’re gonna put it on your stash card. And every time you swipe that debit card, it gives you stock and whatever store you just bought. You’re welcome. Still Good Friday. Happy Friday.