Acts of Kindness: Helping a Mama in Need with a Deep Clean

what was I doing today right before my car got repossessed because my husband doesn’t pay our bills I’d love to tell you last night someone from my community posted on one of the moms pages asking for help she has three small children and one on the way and she has a high risk pregnancy she’s eight months pregnant and just not able to do the daily functions of everyday life her house was really not that bad but I was getting tagged left and right Casey Casey Casey go hell cause everybody knows that I occasionally give out free cleans what I do I gave a free clean to a mama in need when I got there this morning I asked her what was one area that you really want me to deep clean and she said the kitchen she just can’t get the countertops clean just takes the wind out of her so I knocked out the dishes really quickly and I ended up cleaning out some cabinets because who wants to organise cups I do so I did that for her so she doesn’t have to do it I went ham on the stovetop like I always do I’m obsessed with always making these look perfect I do not know why also get ready to screenshot I wanna show you how to properly stock your fridge and where everything should go don’t hate me I’m OCD and I’m an extra restaurant manager so it is what it is it always gonna be perfect no but we can at least try I organized it really good for her and cleans that you know what she can be ready for the baby not gonna lie stop for like 5 to seven minutes and just played with this even commented to her I was like I freaking love this thing then of course I mopped and I mopped and I mopped and I mopped some more because there’s lots of mopping to do in this house which is fine cause I absolutely love to clean them up so I don’t know I’m just weird did love her kitchen and I thought it was absolutely beautiful and the chairs were gorgeous oh then look I’m like oh let’s go clean a random window I don’t know why I do the things that I do but I tend to not jump around because it waste time to do every single bedroom in her house however I will never show kids rooms that’s their privacy it’s my personal opinion I don’t like it and I will never ever do it so just one mama to another I wanted to help someone in my community and just feels absolutely better that her house is clean and ready hope this clean helped today love you girl