Birthday Glam: A Collagen-Infused Tea ASMR Get Ready with Me Shoot

Let’s get ready for my birthday shoot. Welcome, Nanda. I’m just letting you know that my only contribution for today’s get ready with me is drinking Rizo with my collagen infused tea. A little ASMR. Cheers. So every single year I do a birthday shoot because I’ll never be this young or hot ever again. It’s Nijana. Welcome to the glam pod. Hello. What do you find is the biggest step people skip? Serum, moisturizer, light exfoliation before you apply foundation and then they wonder why they look patchy. What do girls do differently for the everyday look? Don’t choose a heavy foundation. Maybe a tinted moisturizer. If you wanna do some spot concealing, go for it. There’s so many products going viral. I tried them and I’m like, why is anybody hyping this up? Research it. They pay for reviews, so you never know. But the first three are paid. Go down. Go down, darling. What are the best products you discovered this year? I’m loving this glowy contour sticks from dips. One side contour, one side blush, you know, a little shadow where we need it. What flavor are you drinking? Green tea, passion fruit bliss. It’s a marine collagen. Not too much. Just tap it in. Okay. For hair, we’re doing texture collagen break. Oh, that’s so dreamy. Last year I was a mermaid. This year I’m a flower. We did a fresh look and the hair. Cheers. Cheers. Let’s go to work.