Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Grocery Haul: Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s Adventure

Hi, you’re coming grocery shopping with me. Thank you. If you’re a gluten and dairy free girl, let’s rise the freak up and let’s go grocery shopping, jiffy girls. We stand together. I start off going to Whole Foods and I got two things of 96. Four ground beef, broccoli. Always gotta check the broccoli cause sometimes it’s like, gross in a bag. Got some English cuke, some strawberries. Don’t worry. I end up putting my meat in a bag cause I was like, Ew, wait, that’s gross. I have like fruit around. Then I got some nanas and some pineapple. Already ate that whole thing of pineapple. Oh my gosh, guys, everyone needs to try the cereal. It’s so good. Then I got some basmati rice and some Jasmine rice for some beef and rice. And these Neapolitan good pops. Wow, they. They slay. Then I got these unreal peanut butter cups for a ninja creamy mix in. I got these little beef sticks, got some poppies. You always need to get a fun drink. That’s like my cardinal rule. And I was honestly disappointed cause I was expecting to walk into Whole Foods and like, everything be pumpkin spice and literally there’s not one thing to be had. Then I went to Trader Joe’s also expecting to walk into a pumpkin wonderland and I. I was disappointed. But I got some flowers for our coffee table, got some carrots. I already had to throw those out cause there was like, A rotten one, so that’s disappointing. Didn’t get to eat those. Got some rice cakes and some gluten free bagels, and I always hear people talking about these little donut holes, so I got them and that was it.