Unraveling the Strange Encounters in Vulture’s Penthouse

Look for homeless people to go kick out. Hello? Game has refund written all over it. No, I’m not playing this. Cameras. What do you mean? Go get him. I’m not kicking him out. Look how tall he is, dude. He’s like my tumble. Now he can have it. He can be there next guy. Get it. Hello, big ugly. Is that an oven? What is that sound? Please close this. Here we go. No, I don’t wanna play this blend of human eye and brain. His name is vulture, dude. You’re gonna tell me you think a guy named vulture is a friendly and I get this while drinking a red smoothie? Dude. Nah, dude, he’s in the women’s room too. Vulture could be a woman. Can’t just assume. 250 million dollar penthouse. My bad, vulture. I know you had it like that. Flex king. I don’t like that. Well, I’m never leaving this spot. Vulture, buddy. Vulture, baby. We just go back to the penthouse, maybe have a drink of beer, the two of us. Buddy, it’s okay. I’m kicking you out. What do you think we’re running a goddamn charity back here? Come on, get out. Oh, he’s eating that homeless guy. What the fuck is that? Hello? You’re gonna have to hungry. Can I eat you? No, thanks. Ah, is that a little kid? I’m not going in the room with the little kid sitting there. Number one, I’ve seen horror movies. Number two, the moment I Cross his door frame. My character is gonna get canceled on Twitter. A shotgun. Lost family. Get out of here! Hey! What? This big idiot is gonna get it. Maybe I should sit here.