Title: Help: Day 242 of the Hard Photo Challenge

Day 242 of trying to take a hard photo every single day all year. So my camera for today, I was my Canon ADD, and the lens I’d be using along with it was my 10 to 18 millimeter zoom lens. The same lens that’s on my camera right now. I just got back from work and I gotta go to work again, so I don’t got much time to work on this. And I have to do it now because by the time I get home from work tonight, it’ll be way too late to do any of this. So now is my only option. The ADD has a built in flash that I really don’t use that often, so I wanted to use that today. But other than that, I had no idea what the hell I was gonna do today. I said, you know what? I’m not really gonna try at all for this image, cause I don’t have the time to. I’m just basically gonna wave my white flag and give you guys a shitty image and say, you know what? That’s all I could do. It’s better than nothing. But that mindset in itself gave me an idea. A shitty one, but it’s an idea. I made a white flag out of toilet paper and a toilet paper roll and took a picture of me waving it outside of my bathroom door as if I gave up on the toilet or something. Through into Lightroom. Stylized it a little bit, but it wasn’t enough. So of course. Cheat code. Throw into Photoshop, throw a parental advisory sticker on there. But now we just have a shitty album. So let’s add some shitty text. And that’s exactly what I did. I just painted on what’s supposed to look like poop smears on the door that spell the word help. So I guess this album is called help. Anyway, I gotta leave in like 15 minutes, so with that, this is my hard photo for the day. Let me know what you guys think down in the comments below and I will see you all tomorrow.