The Rise and Fall of Fisker: How One Review Led to Company Bankruptcy

here’s a story about how you can bankrupt the company with one review. Well, it’s deep in that. But let’s get started. Meet Henrik Fisker, a claimed car designer famous for his work on the BMW Z8 as well as the Aston Martin DB nine. But Henrik wasn’t satisfied with just being a designer. He said to himself, I wanna have my own car company. I wanna make electric cars, and I’mma call that company Fisker. So in 2,011, the Fisker Karma launch for the first time. This car was designed by Henrik, and it was the first car for his company. It featured an electric power train, and it was quite popular. When I say popular, I don’t mean like, everyone had one. I mean just popular amongst people, like celebrities. This is Leonardo DiCaprio. Now, the car was praised for his innovation and was given the 2012 Top Gear Car of the year award. Um, didn’t do much for the company, though. Unfortunately, the company had financial issues. And then after a Hurricane, um, it kind of wiped out majority of their stock at the time, meaning they had to declare bankruptcy. But Henrik isn’t the guy to, uh, give up. So he said, you know what? I’mma come back. So after years of hard work and raising funds, he came back with the Fisker Ocean. Um, it was released, um, the beginning of this year. Uh, it didn’t go too well. You see, the Fisker Ocean Was targeting car companies like Tesla, in the midsize SUV brands, just trying to make something that was competitive, something that would pull Tesla enthusiasts away from their Teslas and automotive enthusiasts towards Evs. Now, it’s not a bad looking car. It promised a lot, and it was picked up. It. There was hype around it. Look, solar panel on the roof. It’s pretty innovative. So Marquis Brownie, um, tech influencer, tech blogger, tech vlogger, decides, you know what? I’m a tech guy. This is a new piece of tech. I wanna test it out. He speaks to fisca, and he says, well, can I have a car to test out? Fisker say, uh, no, it’s not ready yet. And my key said, but it’s already on sale. And Fisker say, yeah, but we have an update coming soon. It’s gonna fix all the issues the car has now. And my key says, but it’s already on sale. Long story short, they refused to give him a car. And said, we’ll get one to you when the car’s ready, when the update’s ready. So my keys has two options. Listen to fisca and wait for the car, or just drop a bombshell by borrowing someone’s car. So guess what he does? He borrows someone’s. At this point, the car was already on sale, and it was expecting an update. That it promised its owners. To improve functionality and bring new features to the car. But in its current state. Hmm. You see, the car had issues like saying windows wouldn’t roll down, software glitches, safety systems not working properly, and a lack of finishing polish, I would say. So my keys test the car, and he says, you know what? This car isn’t all that bad, but there’s a lot of issues. And he goes through the issues, and he decides to label his video the worst car I’ve ever reviewed. At this point, Fisker is scrambling. The videos picking up traction. Is currently on 6 million views. And, um, the owner of the car receives a call from the person that sold his car, explaining that he shouldn’t have given the car to Marquis anyway. Long story short, they didn’t like it. Fisker owners didn’t like this. Um, so MKBH is dishonest review, and then they go through points that are wrong with it. It was a whole mess. Other reviewers get the car and say similar thing. While this is going on, the 2.0 update is still being promised, still hasn’t arrived. But unfortunately, the damage is done. The, the. The reviews went viral, and, um, well, the. The company went bankrupt again. It’s a shame. It’s a. I mean, the company, um, overnight pretty much just kind of evaporated. Um, which is unfortunate because this is the second time it’s happened to this guy. So now owners are stuck with cars that are bricks, cars that are worth significantly less than what they paid. 63,000 was the top Spec car. And now, um, in the. In the UK anyway, which isn’t great for the owners, it isn’t great for the company, but at the end of the day, you have to make sure your products ready before it goes to market. Game developers do this a lot, and it’s is. It’s tiring. So, um, imagine buying a car for $60,000 and it’s not ready. Uh, but that’s how this car basically became the grim reaper of the car industry.