Title: The Tale of Mr. Pickles: A Cat Caught Between Two Homes

Okay, so some updates on Mr. Pickles, the cat. Turns out Mr. Pickles has a family and they are across the street and seem nice enough. I. She came over and it was right after I had taken him to the vet and got like a bunch of $160 worth of medications for this cat. Cause he’s, he’s sick. He’s. He was not very healthy. So I gave her the cat and all the medications, and this is where we’re at right now. Okay, there he is out again, hanging out my back door. He thinks he lives here. What do I do? Like, he keeps running away from them and coming to me. Mr. Pickles, listen, there’s nothing I can do about your situation. I don’t know if you don’t like your family. You just want to be a part of ours, cause we love you. I wish I could keep you, but I can’t steal somebody’s pet. Mr. Pickles.