Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle: Tips for Content Creators on Reducing Overconsumption and Incorporating Renewable Energy

Today, we’re gonna chat about something that has been on my mind lately, you know, being a content creator means having to deal with the negative effects of over consumption. And this is an area that I honestly struggle with. So lately I’ve been more intentional in living a more sustainable lifestyle because honestly, our earth deserves a little bit more love from us.

So one of the things that I’ve been doing lately is I stopped hoarding skincare and makeup. I’m also intentional in gifting it to my friends and my family. Second thing I’ve been doing is I’ve actually been using the box says and the Echo bags that I receive from PR. So instead of throwing them away, I actually repurpose and reuse them so that I don’t have to buy anymore. Or organizers like this box was given to me as PR and I was like, hey, that looks really cute. So right now I place all of my gadgets here. I also have this huge box that I use to just organize my perfume and some of my makeup.

Another thing that I’ve been doing to live a more sustainable lifestyle is actually bringing my water drug everywhere I go. I stop buying single use plastic bottles, which are not only way overpriced, but also so bad for the environment. That’s why wherever I go, my water drug comes with me.

Okay, No. 4 is a little bit challenging, but I try my best to use Echo friendly products as much as I can. Like I have this local sanitary napkin, which are biodegradable and organic. And then instead of buying new bottles, I buy refills instead and reuse the bottles. Okay, so this last one, honestly, I’m also trying to learn it also.

But I’ve been trying to learn about energy saving tech products and gadgets that I can incorporate into my work. Since as a content creator, a lot of gadgets actually come into making a video. I have my phone, my camera, my lights. That’s why I’ve recently been reading a lot about solar powered phone chargers and solar powered in their lights that are both very useful when it comes to my content creation. Also, electric bills are no joke.

So using these solar powered items are actually gonna help us save a lot and conserve energy if you want to learn more about sustainable living, especially renewable energy, I suggest you guys check out this site because they have a lot of resources and articles that I’ve actually found myself reading a lot. I Learned about the things that I can do at home, like starting small in order to help our environment drive. I wanna use my platform to encourage you guys in making the switch to incorporating renewable energy in your daily lives, because we only have one life and one earth, so let’s make the most of it. This is gonna be our final look for today. So guys, let’s go renewable and let’s start now.