3 Timeless Tips for Successful Investing: The Key to Building Wealth Over Time

here are the only three investing tips that you will ever need and you might wanna save this video because this is as true today as it will be in 30 years I’m Tyler I’m a former financial advisor and portfolio manager now I make financial content for free so that you don’t have to pay for it number one most people never get rich from investing because they quit after a year or two I get it you invest a thousand bucks this year in a low cost index fund and the market has a solid year and returns 7 or 8% cool you just made about 19 cents a day yeah I’dthrow in the towel too number two most people never get rich from investing because they’ll do a one time investment of about a thousand bucks and then never invest again even with a consistent 7% return in the market it will take you about a decade to double that initial investment whereas if you were to add just $9 a month to that initial investment it would only take you five years to do the same No.3 most people never get rich from investing because they invest when the world is telling them it’s sexy to invest aka when the markets at an all time high and then they stop investing or worse sell when the world is telling them to run for the hills that’s why I put a percentage of every single one of my paychecks into my Roth IRA or my Roth 401k by doing this I invest when the markets are up and I invest when the markets are down and if any of this is helpful like and follow and I’ll keep trying to get you one step closer to where you need to be