How to Cut a Mango: A Sweet Tutorial and Taste Test

Uh, hello there. So real quick, choice just showed me something I want to show y’all. Okay. Okay, so I never, I never did it before, so it’s something she saw on where TikTok you said, okay on how to cut a mango. So wait, what am I supposed to do? I, I, I. So you cut it like down the middle, like a circle, like how you do like an avocado. So cut it down the side like so. Like that? Yeah. Make sure that it connect right there. And you just twist. Now you gotta. The mango gotta be right. Okay. And you just turn it and then pull it. And then pull it. Look at that. Cause then the seed is right there. Did y’all know that? I never. Look, I never knew in my Tony Baker boys. And then you can. Hmm. My teacher’s mango. So good. Mmm. Very good. Mmm. Oh. So I say, or you can take a spoon. Look, look. Show him to it. You take a spoon and eat it like so. Like that. Mmm. Hey, y’all. Fruit and veggies today. Something wrong? Remember that? Try this. It’s so good. I’m excited. I’m gonna do it with avocado next time. All right, y’all gonna bite your business. Have the most amazing day. But even if you can’t, have a good one, don’t you dare go messing up nobody else’s. Love, y’all. Bye.