Facing Unexpected Health Challenges: A Hospital Visit Experience

So yeah, after 7 days away from each other, I come back. First day, Brompton Hospital. Um, after being told by the doctors go down cause I don’t know what it is where it’s sepsis or appendicitis. And then being told by the hospital which went down there to make you feel bad, um, the receptionist turned around and said, what? Should be giving antibiotics. It’s time to work. It just blows my mind. Make sure you go down there if you feel not right. Cause now Brogan is on a drip and we don’t know when she’s coming out. Hospital. I also want to add that doctor said to Brogan to go down there straight this morning and. But she said no. She’s been away from the kids now. Anything else we can do? And she give him antibiotics. She give the double amount. But she weren’t happy that she wasn’t going down. She throw up at all? Make sure you go down there. What did Brogan do? Start throwing up? That’s the reason why we went down there. It’s a lot receptionist in hospitals. I know they get stressful jobs and stuff like that. They shouldn’t be telling. They’re not qualified to be telling people what they should be there. Shouldn’t be there cause look how wrong they are. Me and her. I can do a little goodie uh, bag for her for when she comes back. Or maybe have to take it into hospital. So then I’ll See how long she’s gonna be down there. 누구야