Debating Government Regulation: Balancing Individual Freedom with Public Health Concerns

It’s. It’s a debate that enrages me cause I hate big government. I can’t stand them telling us what to do. They’ll go to hell as far as I’m concerned. That’s how I’ve always felt about government. I’ve always had those libertarian instincts. But I think with illegal drugs, with the obesity crisis, there are many, many alcoholism, there are many, many problems in this country. It just seems that smoking is somehow the easy target. And my view is that actually what we’ve done with pubs and clubs is we struck a compromise, a one that works. And a lot of these establishments have spent a lot of money putting smoking shelters up, conforming with local councils. And I think this will do an enormous amount of harm to the traditional great British pub. One of the things, by the way, that is rather envied around the rest of the world.