Exploring San Diego: A Day of Luxury, Beaches, and Sunsets

this is another travel day in our post camp travel vlogs and we’re on our way to San Diego this morning so we actually spent the morning still in LA we went to Beverly Hills Hotel we had a little explore took some photos took some videos and then we went back to the hotel grabbed all of our stuff got a bite to eat first just cause I was absolutely starving and then we headed to downtown LA ready to get the bus we were getting the Greyhound bus from LA to San Diego which I did two years ago and these are so so handy like for short journeys like this it’s so easy we had such a smooth ride I was editing some videos on the bus it was just so good we arrived in San Diego and checked in to what is probably one of the most beautiful hotels I’ve ever stayed at this was Legacy Resort Hotel and spa and we were all like absolutely obsessed with this hotel two people got upgraded like Florentina had a suite it was just such a vibe and the hotel was gorgeous we were having a little explore went to the gym went to the pool just had a little walk around got our bearings then we headed out over towards the beach we went to Cove House I think this is called for some food and this was really really good I got the steak frites and it was sensational and then we just had a little wander around it was a proper like seaside coastal town it was so nice but it really really reminded me of Australia and it was just unreal we got some ice cream chilled out for a little bit and then headed down to the beach and this is where it really reminded me of Australia because it was at the beach and then a big green area which is like a lot of the beaches have in Sydney so we all just sat out on the grass and it was just so wholesome all of us just chatting and the sun was going down it was just so much fun the sunset we saw here as well was honestly absolutely insane all of us are just like oh my god how is this real life like is this real like two weeks ago we were at camp and now we’re just travelling we’re in San Diego like what then we decided to find a supermarket grab some snacks I got some fruit just to have in the room and have a breakfast for next few days headed to bed ready for a big day in San Diego