Recipe: Rosca de Elote Chili Relleno with a Special Twist

I’m gonna show you how to make this. A rosca de elote chili relleno. You’re gonna need five chili poblano’s. Wash and let’s char. Transfer to a bag, and we’re gonna let them sweat. And for the onion, milk, onion, and one garlic, one cup of water, and two tablespoons of Jenny’s chicken bouillon. And you blend. And now let’s put aside and let’s peel the chilies. My god, look how pretty. And the other thing, do not let it over sweat because it’s gonna get too soggy. Remove the skin, and we’re gonna carefully remove the seeds. And we’re going to stuff with shredded cheese. And I’m going to be using Monterey cheese. And this dish right here is so special because my mom used to make a rose con elote. You guys are going to see right now, a little bit of oil, basmati rice, and we’re going to be needing two cups. Make sure that the skillet is nice and hot. Once you fried for two minutes, you’re gonna add the sauce. Beautiful. We’re gonna add three more cups of water, add some corn, and you stir it in cover. We’re just gonna let it cook for 10 minutes. As you can see, it still needs more time, but we’re gonna mix in the elote so we can make room for the chiles. The first one. Look how pretty. Sprinkle with more cheese, remove the sleeve, and onto the oven at 350 degrees until the cheese melts. This is ready, elisto. Serve and enjoy. Oh, my god, this is so good.