Memories of a Half Yoga, Half Cycling Spot: A Nostalgic Conversation

Wow. Where do you think we are? Wait, I need to move us exactly where we are. They’re outside of. Yes, yes. We were just talking about. Yes. Yes. Was this, like, half yoga half cycling spot? And look at you, Timmy, with the bellicon tank that you still have. I think I had to throw it away. Look at my farmer’s tan. That’s pretty good. Also, with the towel over your shoulder. I was working out. And no beard. I kind of look the same. Yeah, kind of. Without the. But you’re. You’re much more tan. Well, when you. I’m just saying, like, I had a dad bod then, and now. You still have a dad bod. Hair is a little longer now. I need to get a haircut. Right now I’m flaring my nostrils like crazy.