Sharpie Tie Dye: Creating the Coolest Shirt Using Rubbing Alcohol Technique

I’m gonna show you how to make the coolest tie dye shirt using Sharpie pens. You’re gonna have to use something like rubbing alcohol. Now, don’t worry, we’re just using a couple drops. Take it a cup. And I stretch this fabric over the cup. This is a shirt. And then you just take a Sharpie pen and you draw whatever design you want in the very middle. Like this. Anything will work. And now you drip the rubbing alcohol in the middle. And if you do that, it carries the colour out like this. So watch. From the very center there, the colors begin to mix. You get the most beautiful design. Look how it works its way out. Stop. Let it continue to work its way out. It will continue to spread out for the circle so that you get something like this. When you’re done with the entire project, you’re gonna let it dry and you get to get the coolest shirt ever.