Meet the Delightful Nine: An Introduction to the Charming Crew

Alright, let’s meet the crew. Tell your friends this is Sunshine. Sunshine, I think has a home though. That’s Sunny Bunny. This is Billy Jack. Hi, Billy Jack. He was the runt, but he caught up fast, huh? You big boy now, Billy Jack. Good boy. Okay, we got here. This is Harley. Harley has a home. He’s cute though. Okay, we got here. This is bluey. Look at his little eyes. He was the first one with eyes open. I just think he is so cute. Hi, Bluey. Okay, who do we have here? This is Rex. Rex is going to my mom and dad. Rex is a big fatty, but he’s a very good boy. Hey, Rexy boy. Oh, Rex loves to snuggle. Okay, let’s see, who do we have here? This is Aquaman. Aquaman’s a little guy, but he’s so sweet. Hi, Aquaman. Got kisses for me? Thank you. Thank you. This is Aquaman, who’s coming over to say hey. Sunny, I already said hi to you. Let’s see, where’s your sister’s coconut? Oh, oh, coconut. Coconut is our most active. Doesn’t say much. They’re all pretty chill, but. Hey, coconut. Let’s see, who do we have over here? Oh, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry. Come here. Ask Billy Jack. Oh, here’s Croc. This is Croc. He’s a good boy. Hi, Croc. He’s a big boy. So good. And this is fuzzy. Come here, fuzz. Isn’t she beautiful? Fuzzy is beautiful. Hi, fuzzy. Hi. Good girl. Oh, Fuzzy is pretty girl. There they are. Who’s between my legs? Who’s trying to get closer to me? Sunny. Hi, sunny girl. That’s the crew. All nine of them.