Questionable Movie Classics: Shawshank Redemption, Hocus Pocus, and Jaws

Here’s some more shitty movies that for some reason everybody loves. First up is Shawshank Redemption. It’s not a completely shitty movie, but it has one really dumb part that is hard for me to get over. So these two are best friends for over 20 years, and the whole entire time he doesn’t ever tell his friend? Like, Yo, I’m breaking out of here, you should come with me. Instead gives him these really cryptic clues on how to find him in case he gets out serving a life sentence. If I was this guy, I would be so pissed that my best friend didn’t bring me along for the breakout plan. Instead, he just smiles and ah, my friend got out. Now this is a decent movie, but. But that part’s stupid as shit. The next really shitty movie is Hocus Pocus. This movie has become like a staple around Halloween time. If you’re like seven or eight years old, I could see you enjoying this movie. The plot line and the acting? Horrible. Next up is jaws. This movie actually has a lot of pretty good elements, but when people were watching this in the theater or you’re watching it at home, especially for the first time, and you see that fake ass mechanical shark, wasn’t everybody at that moment just like, looking at each other like, what? It’s beyond fake or believable. I know they didn’t have like CG and all that shit they have now. But I don’t see how people instantly, when they saw the shark. Didn’t walk up out of the theater. That shit looks fucking bad.