Navigating the Challenges of Parenting a Three-Year-Old: The Importance of Consistent Discipline and Leadership

Daughter just turned 3 and has started being disrespectful with a smart mouth. Three is the fork in the road. When they turn 3 years old, if you’ve been a leader and dealing with bad behavior using consistent corrective actions and you say what you mean and mean what you say first three years of their life, when they turn 3, they get easy, easy, easy. On the other hand, if you’ve been a pleaser parent, giving into stuff, being inconsistent, yelling, etc, they go the other way. They they, when they turn 3, it’s almost like on their third birthday, they stop and think, wait a minute, you don’t know what you’re doing. I’m gonna take over here. So that’s what happens. It’s three years old, it’s the fork in the road. Or else they go, hey, wait a minute, you know what you’re doing, life’s great. They’re just easy. So, and you don’t want obedient soldiers here. You want children who are proud of themselves. They like themselves. They have high self esteem. That is good behavior. Children who are acting out have low self esteem. When you’re a leader, they have high self esteem.