Quick and Easy Recipes for Busy Weekends: Trusty Tray Bakes and Weekend Wins

I don’t have time for loads of prep to do. Do you have any recipes that are quick to assemble? So I got two chapters that this could work on. It could be weekend wins, or it could be trusty tray bakes. These are all about combinations. So trusty tray bakes are about putting combos together really quickly and then banging it in the oven and letting the oven do all the hard work while you kind of, like, chill out at home, get a few jobs done. It’s quite nice. It’s very relaxing, very easy, but then when it’s cooked, you’ve got a delicious meal. So I try to mix up the recipes, so there’s recipes and inspiration from countries all around the world, and I think you’re gonna love that. And then Weekend Wins is kinda more batch cooking. So like the ultimate Bolognese. Like a new updated recipe. Beautiful 7 baked tomatoes sauce. We got amazing. Kind of a cornbread recipe, which I do. Mix it in the pan, bake it in the pan, serve it from the pan, and any leftovers, I’ve given you a whole bunch of recipes that you can use, and honestly, when you put that in the middle of the table, you’re gonna love it. So kind of thoughtful recipes where you can do a nice batch and it saves you time later on in the week, especially if you’re short on it. So that’s nice.