Wishing for Siblings: A Childhood Tale of Loneliness and Camaraderie

When I was younger, I definitely wanted siblings. It was very lonely. Like my mum was working all the time. So I was just like, you know, had to play by myself. And I was home alone a lot unsupervised and was like raised by television. Like that was my childhood. My friends that had siblings, you know, I kinda envy them just having that support network. It is something that I also, you know, wish I had, having heard what everyone here is like as siblings. If you had to adopt a sibling, who are you taking? Ha ha. Oh, man. None of us. So many great choices. Ha ha. Probably Davey. Really? Yeah. Why? I’m so rich. I’m also the bad influence. I’m deeply honoured, by the way. What else? What else do you like? Tell me. Tell me more. I don’t get that love with Shirley. She didn’t tell me that.