The Ultimate Cheesy Southern Baked Onion Recipe

This easy. Oh, the onion, onion, onion. Alright, you might be on to something. You’re gonna start southern with some sliced onions. You say southern, then we’re gonna season it with some garlic powder and some corral seasoning. You want to do corral police amount of corral seasoning as police? God, I know you didn’t eat Creole. Now we’re grabbing our garlic and herb butter and we’re using that whole stick on our onions. I’m grabbing some Tillamook mozzarella and we’re putting that whole bag of mozzarella on our onions. And I’m confused. Are you confused? You say southern cheddar and we’re gonna add that whole bag on as well. I’m not getting southern at all. I’m getting caveman. We have our southern on there. We’re just gonna caveman with some freeze dried oregano. You can use fresh or whatever you prefer. We’re gonna bake it at 350 for 45 minutes and you have the best side dish. Have fun. It’s cheesy, it’s gooey, it’s delicious, it has the best flavor. And it’s gonna cook perfectly with a steak or with some potatoes. Whatever you want to eat it with. Enjoy. Sure, sure, sure. Haha. Hmm. You like it? I love that. For you.