Dealing with Imposters and Suspensions: The Frustrating Side of Social Media

Well, I guess it’s time to do my weekly bullshit video where I have to clean up the mess that is created by social media. A lot of people are sending me emails and DMs and saying, where are you? Where did you go? And they’re talking about Facebook and Instagram. They can’t find me there anymore. And you know why? Well, because I’ve been suspended by Facebook, which also suspends me from Instagram. The question is why? I don’t know why. They didn’t tell me why. I’m doing the same shit I’ve done for four years, so I don’t know what would cause them to suspend me now. Will I be back on? Fucking no idea. I don’t really, honestly know. Uh, we’ll have to wait and see what their determination is. The question is, why would they suspend me? I have an inkling. I have a feeling. See, there’s another problem going on that social media TikTok and the like could fix, but they refuse to do it. Whether you’re on TikTok or Facebook or Instagram, I have a lot of imposters, people who have taken the rational Boomer part, added something onto it, use my videos, use my face, and then come after folks saying, hey, it’s rational Boomer. You want to buy some crypto? You want to go over to Telegram? I’m gonna say this again. I’ve said it many times. Apparently, I’ve got to continue to say it. I have one TikTok account. Just one The one you’re watching now. And if you’re not sure if it’s me, go to the profile. If I have any less than 373,000 followers, it ain’t me. It isn’t me. I would love to just get a blue check that says it’s guaranteed to be the rational Boomer Mike, but I can’t get one of those because apparently they’re unsure whether I am me. I can tell you I am me. But there are other people using my name, my videos and my pictures, and you gotta beware. Now, I’ve reported these dozens of times. Followers have reported them literally hundreds of times. And every time, TikTok says there’s no violation, they’re allowing them to do it. They’re using my brand, my name, to try to scam you for money. People say you should do something. What the fuck am I gonna do? If I can’t get TikTok to enforce this, there’s nothing I can really do. That’s why I tell you, when you hear from me, be skeptical. I don’t reach out to DM people. I don’t try to sell people anything. Nothing. I’m not trying to sell you anything. I just want you to watch the videos, interact and that kind of stuff. I don’t need your money. I don’t want your money. I don’t have a special deal. Fuck, I don’t even invest in crypto, for Christ’s sake. I’m too old for that shit. It’s unfortunate that I have to come out here and do this. Every once in a while. But people continue to DM me. Is this you? I don’t know if I like crypto. Fuck, I don’t like crypto. Don’t listen to anybody else. I’m not going to DM you. I’m not going to sell you anything. These are imposters. There’s nothing I can do because TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, they refuse to do anything about it