The Importance of Ethical Salesmanship: Helping You Make the Right Vehicle Choice

Here’s my view on being pushy as a salesperson. There’s a massive difference between being pushy and forcing somebody to buy a car that they can’t afford versus being pushy and forcing somebody to buy a good quality car. So check this out. If your I t, C score is low, you’ve had a rough patch. Everybody goes through that. If I push you to buy from me as the No. 1 dealership in the country, because I know I have your back financially, you’re not doing great at the moment. It will come better eventually. It’s a cycle. But if I push you and force you to buy from me, you can rest assured that if that car breaks, I’ve got your back for life. But if you go and choose to buy a 200 rand per month cheaper car from a competitor who doesn’t give a shit about you, then what will happen if that car breaks? You’ll be sitting without a car that you can use and with a poor I t, C score. So be careful to assume that somebody is pressurizing you to buy a vehicle when you can’t afford it versus pressurizing you to buy a vehicle when it’s the right vehicle for you and your family. There’s a massive difference.