From Failure to Success: The Power of Determination and Delusion

there’s this one thing that happened that I know for sure it’s the reason why I was successful at it and I guarantee it’s not what you think I wasn’t confident on camera yet I wasn’t good at making videos yet I wasn’t a super technical person I didn’t have any of the things that you think that you need to be successful but I did have this failure literally everything in my life around me was crumbling we’re about to lose our house we’re about to lose our car we’re about to lose everything and it is because of that failure it is because of that destruction around me that made me just like this person where you are so sure that you’re gonna make this work that eventually it actually does work and I know there are a lot of people that don’t understand that type of delusion there are a lot of people that don’t understand that type of mindset but if you listen to any millionaire talk they always say cut off all other options and make this be your only option so when you start to be so quote unquote delusional to believe that this could actually work for you then that is when it actually will work for you and I don’t think you should be like me you shouldn’t wait until your whole life is in shambles before you try to make something work you should start way before then but for people that have my personality type sometimes that’s what it takes and other people they just came out the womb motivated I started this journey with the hopes and the prayers that maybe I can make an extra 500 a month and within a few months I was making five figures a month and it could happen for you too but you just gotta hit the gas and don’t let up until you get there! stay blessed🤎✨️