Revamping My Dodge Dart: A Sicilian’s Mechanical Journey

Thank you. Incidentally, uh, I am a Sicilian, so that tracks. Um, but I’m gonna use this comment to reply to the number one question that everybody has on my Dodge Dart video. Am I going to paint the car electric blue? Probably. The only problem is that the car needs a lot of mechanical work. It’s not like driving into a mechanic, um, at your local dealership and then just, like, getting your car back two weeks later. They have to either find original parts or they have to make parts to fit the car. Uh, and the car’s got, it’s got some, some issues, and I just, I really needed to be safe. Like, it was one thing when I was 16 and, you know, the car was catching fire at the mall. Um, I’m not gonna do that again. I, I’m too old for that. Um, actually, I was too young for that, too. Nobody’s car should ever catch fire at the mall. Uh, no, what I’m saying is, is that the mechanical aspects of this vehicle are more important than, um, than the way it looks. And getting it painted the way that I would want it painted could take several weeks. Um, it could add months onto it. And I need the car by March. So we’ll see. But I promise that I will take you guys on this journey. I will let you guys know the status of the Dodge Dart situation. And I Did get custom plates for it, and I’m not gonna tell you what the plates are until they show up, but they’re so perfect. Uh, anyway, um, super excited that you guys are excited. And stay posted for more Dodge Dart content.