Challenging Misconceptions: Debunking the Narrative Around Ubisoft Games

So according to your logic, anytime Ubisoft release a game and the game drops, it means that the game is shit because nobody is buying them? That’s what your logic is saying. I’m gonna try to say this like the nicest way possible, but I think your logic is horrendously flawed. And let me explain why. Every video game that’s a triple A exclusive, unless it’s Nintendo, the prices of their games have always go down. It doesn’t mean that they’re shit, it’s just the games are not in demand like it used to be when it drops because they’re not evergreen. When you look at the games like Nintendo for example, their games are always evergreen because they are on the band at the same time too. Nintendo don’t drop their price, but that’s a different conversation for a different day. So according to your logic, you’re saying that the game is shit because nobody is buying them? But how would you know that? Did you play it or you just watching people? Cause it seems like a lot of y’all be watching other people play video games to form your opinion. Because that what y’all do a lot of time. These high beast people, these high beast gamers, these high beast content creators like a lot of y’all. Yep. Just for the sake of yapping. For the record, I am not defending this game. What I am saying is that y’all people are just hopping on conversation. To talk shit about things that you guys have no interest in playing whatsoever. Now, if you wanna talk about the game being buggy, the game having it, shoes that delete files, whatever the case may be, that is absolutely fucking fine. But to say that nobody likes Ubisoft and nobody buys their games, are you saying that all their games is shit? I know good and goddamn well you don’t play a lot of video games to make that Assumption. Because if it did, then how come people love Prince of Persia, the Lost Crown? How come there are people out there that actually enjoy X defining? There were two games from Ubisoft that were pretty decent this year, so it can’t all be bad. But according to your logic, that’s what you think it is. Again, I just think it’s a renaissance flaw, that’s all I gotta say.