Taking Action Against Image Theft: A Real-World Example for Photographers

First of all, I told you in the original video that I cannot share the details of this lawsuit. I can’t share the who, what, where, when, how much I took them to court for. I can’t share any of it. Like, I’m not gonna share that. It’s not smart to put all that information on the internet for some random person in the Netherlands or wherever the hell you are. Uh, but second of all, I’m disappointed that you’re a photographer and you. You have this stance that you’re just annoyed that I didn’t share a number, and you just think you saved everybody 56 seconds when you could look at it a different way and you could say, hey, maybe this guy is giving us good advice or a good example, like a real world example. Somebody stole his picture, and he didn’t just sit there and take it. He did something about it. He took a company to court and did something about it, got money for. For an image that was stolen, that was improperly used, and he got money for it. Why don’t you take it that way as an educational thing, to help other photographers realize that we don’t have to just sit there and take it when people steal our work?