Time Traveler’s Delight: The Quest for Rare Cigarettes

So if I could time travel, what cigarette would I wanna try and from what year? That is a very good question. And honestly, my answer is a little bit more simple than not. I would wanna try a cigarette from the late 1950s, if I’m remembering correctly. And in specific, I would want to try a Kent Micronite and asbestos filtered cigarette. They were only on the market for a handful of years. Finding an unopened pack is pretty much impossible these days. If I could time travel and choose any one cigarette to smoke, it would be a Kent micronite. The asbestos filtered cigarettes. I’d only ever try one of them. I do not want to smoke too many asbestos filtered cigarettes. But, you know, it’s the only asbestos filtered cigarette to have ever existed, so I gotta try, you know? I’m saying that would be my personal choice for a cigarette to try if I could time travel. What are some, like, some honorable mentions though? There’s like the cigarettes that the Japanese, uh, like, Emperor used to give out to, like, people and stuff like that kind of thing. They got rid of those like 10 or 12 years ago, I can’t remember when exactly, but those used to be a thing. That would be really cool to try. So that was probably like my second pick. Third pick probably Nat Sherman. Fantasia one. 64 millimeter. Yeah, one of the last Class B cigarettes to ever Exist in the United States. Those are probably my top three cigarettes. I would smoke if I could. Time travel. Frankly put, those are probably my top three choices. You know, I’m saying,