Unmasking Justice: The Curious Case of Citizens and Crime-solving Canines

Welcome back to Frozen Cons. I’m Nancy Grace. Today, what happens when ordinary citizens take the law into their own hands? Is it justice in a world of corrupt law enforcement? Or simply anarchy? Here to discuss the issue live from Rayford State Prison in Florida are my first guest, David Montgomery and his attorney, Mark Fox Binder. Thank you, Nancy. On the surface, Mr. Montgomery’s crime scene seems all too familiar. A desperate man down on his luck discovers a broken down amusement park is built on top of some pirate treasure. So he tries to scare people away from it by dressing up like a ghost. An old, old story. But this time there is a bizarre twist. His alleged crime was discovered by a group of amateur detectives. Two of them are here with me now. Please welcome Scooby Doo and his associate, Warren. Shaggy. Shaggy, like, wow. We’re thrilled to be here, Mister Shigowski. Mister do. We’ll start with you. What made you decide to take the law into your own hands? Well, one day, me and Scoob in the game, we’re sitting around the mulch when we decided the law has gone soft. And all the dirtbags who get their jollies dressing up as ape men or glowing deep sea divers. Yeah, dirtbags. Well, Nancy, Mister Shigalowski can try to pass himself off as a champion of law and order. But the truth is, this man and his dog, not to mention another member of Their gang, a smaller, scrappier dog, all have an extensive criminal record. That’s a lie. I have the evidence right here, Mister. Do prior convictions include four counts of meddling, 12 counts of meddling in the second degree, two counts of vehicular meddling, meddling across state lines, and last but not least, Sodomy. I’m sorry, I misread that. It’s meddling. I apologize. Well, thanks. Honestly, thanks you in the ass. We’re the ones putting our gonads out on the line. We’re the ones dressing up like Italian barbers, pretending to give fake monsters a haircut. It’s all an act, Nancy. He’d have us believe he puts himself at risk, that sometimes he’s so scared he tries to run away and can only float in midair, running in place. But the truth is, he and his friends actively go out looking for trouble. Like, we’re not asking to get flat tires outside spooky castles, man. It just happens. Oh, please. You’re a degenerate. You know, Nancy, I once saw this man take two stacks of cold cuts, shuffle them like a deck of cards, then eat the entire thing. Like, look, the sentence is handed out to fake ghosts and werewolves are far too lenient. Well, what would you suggest is appropriate punishment? Rent penalty. You’re honestly advocating the rent penalty? Wow, strong words. Strong, poorly pronounced words from a large dog. Hey, lady, like, I thought this was America. I don’t want to live in a country where four hippies And a talking dog can’t have the freedom to catch fake ghosts with the occasional help of Phyllis Diller and the Harlem Globetrotters? That’s my America! And while you may not like my opinion, you’re never gonna change it. Oh, wow. Like, zoinks! I, I didn’t know you felt that way. But would you consider compromising your ethics for a Scooby snack? Oh, like, wow, A Scooby snack? Yeah, yeah. That’s about all the time we have. Please join us next week when we examine the concept of victims rights in the theft of picnic basket Mel