Love, Lust, and the Blind Eye: Navigating Bad Judgment in Relationships

I’ve realized that I have very bad judgment when it comes to men. Like, I was at a bar, and I see this guy at the other end of the bar, and I’m with my friends, and he had four tattoos on his face. Uh, and I saw it, and I was like, I’m gonna fix it. Like, whatever it is, I will fix that. And my friends are like, I think he’s in a gang. I was like, I think you’re jealous of me. Like. Like, I’m sorry I have a boyfriend you don’t like. Girl, if you can’t find a man, just say that. And that’s really how I feel. I’m sorry, but it’s a lot of jealousy. But I feel like we don’t see the red flags. We want to see the good in people. I always make up excuses for guys. Like, I’ll go out on a date, my friends will be like, hey, how was your first date? I’m like, um, well, he made me cry, and he’s definitely a liar, and I think he’s married, and I think he stole $20 out of my bag. But there’s just something about him. I really do. I feel good about this.