Maria’s Transformation: From Hair Loss to Confidence with a Crown Hair System

Six weeks refit time for Maria, who has a crown hair loss system and three additional wafted rows. Let’s see what she has to say about her first time having a system. I.

Think it’s very practical. You don’t have to worry because you feel it as your own hair. Yeah, so you can watch it, you can style it, it boost your self confidence. It’s not like a wig that you take on and off. So I really enjoy that.

Due to the level of hair loss that Maria has, we recommend her refit be at six weeks as her system starts to move around quite a lot because she does have quite a lot of hair loss in the crown area. And would, you know, all these tape to stick down the front of the hair not being blowed right enough. So when you get a client who comes in and they have filled up like this, it’s really important for you to make sure you stress to them that after every wash, they need to blow dry their root a little bit more. For those who tend to be really hot in the crown area or if there’s someone who’s very active, goes towards, goes to the gym, they tend to get this build up in their scalp. But you gotta be very careful cuz it can develop into cradle cap. So it’s so important that we gently massage it off of her scalp. And we’re just using a soft brush to do that as well as using a dry and itchy shampoo that will lift off some of that build up. I actually put a root in on her closure because I did not like that it was just straight blonde. It looks so fake now. I feel like with the root in, it looks so much more natural. And look at her confidence. She’s so gorgeous.