Musical Conversations: A Serenade with Sarah and Reggie

Will you sing with me? It’ll be fun. Come on. I’ll do it. Great. Alright. So what was your name? Sarah. Very nice to meet you, Sarah. My name is Reggie. Nice to meet you. Yeah. So, uh, what kind of music do you like? What kind of music do you like? Lots and lots of kinds. I have a list of songs if you want to see the list. Okay. Otherwise, you can just pick anything you want. You know, it could be something on this list, could be something that’s not on the list. Maybe I might know it. Go ahead, take. Take a look. Yeah, sure. And old music, new music, everything in between. And you can pull up the lyrics just. Yes, easily. Okay, no problem. What are you in the mood for? I want something that you’re in the mood for. It’s a lot of options. Interesting how you say that. That must mean you recognize these songs. I do. I recognize a lot of these songs. Have you ever done like, gigs or something? Yeah, you’re in there. Okay. I feel like you’re being humbled. Haha. It’s the way you answered it. Oh, let’s do your song. Oh, by, uh, Elton John? Yeah, let’s do that. Okay, great. Alright, we will do my song. Okay. Haha. Alright, here we go. My soul. Oh, a few of the verses. Well, they. So. Excuse me for getting. Hey, thank you so much. Thank you for singing. With me. I appreciate that. Of course. Thank you for inviting me. No problem, no problem. And I’m very glad I did. Yeah. Cause you’re a really good guitar player. Appreciate that. Thanks so much. Yeah. Thank you. So, I have a question for you. How did you feel before you sang, and how do you feel now? I feel at ease now. Hmm. Yeah, I. I felt a little tightened up, and I was like, I’m gonna take this chance to go for it. Really? Yeah. So what. I’m just curious, what has you feel. What, What actually had you feeling. Feeling tightened up? I think more people should sing out loud. I love when people are singing past me on the street. Not just like, oh, like, standing and singing, but, like, in their earphones, just doing their thing. Yeah. You know? Yeah, sure. Yeah. Cool. Yeah, cool. So, um, I’m just curious, like, were you going through something that had your feeling, like, tightened up or anything like that? Yeah, I think. So many thoughts, you know? Right. So many things. Yeah, I. I totally get that. I’ve been having a lot of thoughts myself. So part of. Part of, like, the benefit of me being out here is not only do I get to free myself up, but to free other people up, too. So, yeah, you’re doing a really good thing. Thank you. Well, I’ll. I’ll be sending you this video soon. Thank You so much. No problem. See you later.