Exploring Culinary Delights: A Journey of Feeding Others and Finding Inspiration

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to get out and feed people in person again, and I’m actually proud to say I’ve done that. I’ve done it a lot recently. Over the past couple months, I’ve done a handful of pop up dinners or collabs. I mean, yeah, I share a lot of recipes online, but it’s a completely different experience cooking for you guys and feeding you guys in person. But needless to say, I’m surrounded by food every single day. And this might come as a shock, I get sick of my own cooking. I order a lot of food on Doordash. It’s just really nice having someone else cook for you sometimes. And it’s also kind of like homework because I get a lot of inspiration from the restaurants that I eat at. Some of my favorite places to order from is joy in Highland Park and Dune in Atwater. If you want to see more of my favorite restaurants in LA and around the country, you can find my list on Doordash.