The Destruction of Democracy: Corporate Influence and Legalized Bribery in America

Our democracy is being destroyed by the undue influence of money. And the influence of huge corporate interests is not only corrupting our politics. You know, the late Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, you can have large amounts of money concentrated in the hands of a very few, or you can have democracy. You cannot have both. Those corporate interests have turned our government into a system of legalized bribery. But it’s not even just the malevolent influence of a kind of unfettered, soulless economic system that puts its own profits before people, before the environment, before animals, before the quality of life. That has not only infested our politics, it’s infested our society. There’s almost no aspect of American society not at the. At the effect of this. Almost. It’s like a parasitic plague, and everybody knows it.