From MBA Draft Hopeful to Undrafted Free Agent: My Journey of Grit and Determination

I’m officially an MBA 3,8. Two months ago, I put my name into the 2024 MBA draft and started training like an athlete, as a regular person, working my 9 to 5 as a challenge. And it was one of the toughest two months of my life, waking up at 6 a. M. To train, then working my 9 to 5 and then either training or editing for the rest of the day, sometimes even staying up till 2:00am just to repeat the whole process. The next day was a grind, but in the end, I didn’t get drafted as I know the skill and physicality it takes to make the MBA. And I’m definitely far from, but I’ve improved. But I just want to say thank you to everyone who’s helped me at the last two months, all the personal trainers, physiotherapists, professional athletes and all the supporters who’ve been following my journey.

But now technically an undrafted free agent and could sign with any team I want if they would actually. So let me know what I should do next. Should I continue training as a free agent, start training in other sports like footballer, soccer, or just create content involving units?