Travel Day Troubles: A Saga from Michigan to Maryland

This travel day was originally supposed to be about five hours long, and not to spoil the ending, but we’re now 15 hours in, and I am still not at my destination. So here’s what happened. I’ve spent the last month in Michigan with my dad, and it’s time for me to head back to Maryland to see my mom for a few days before I move back to the UK, like, next week. So today was my Michigan to Maryland travel day. Things started strong. Okay? I got my little hopper flight from Traverse City to Chicago, and everything went off without a hitch at all. I had about a two hour layover in O’hare, but I actually love O’hare. I think it’s really fun. So I just kind of hung out and ate some food and got a little bit of work done. I got on my flight from Chicago to Dallas, and this is where things started going downhill. Before we even started taxing, when we were still at the gate, the pilot let us know that there were some thunderstorms over the DC area, so we were gonna have to route south and then come back up. But it would be fine. It would just add about half an hour to the journey. And we needed to add a little bit more fuel on the aircraft just for the longer route. So we did that, took off, and then about half an hour into the flight, the Pilot let us know that thunderstorms hadn’t moved off of the DC airport and that we might end up having to route somewhere else. But on the chance that we would be allowed to land at Dallas, we still flew pretty much to Dallas and then were held in a holding pattern for a really long time just to see if the airport would open up so that we could land. Finally, we had run out of enough fuel that landing at Dallas would no longer be an option. But we had enough fuel to get to Charlotte, North Carolina. So we flew to Charlotte and landed there. We then sat on the tarmac at Charlotte for, I think about it, three hours. I don’t know. I need to go back and check my time stamps, but it was multiple hours. The plane got totally refueled, and we were told that we were waiting to get clearance to just take right back off and fly to Dallas. Unfortunately, they just kept on bumping back the grounding order at Dallas, like, a little bit longer and a little bit longer every single time we heard news. And eventually, the pilot and the flight crew literally ran out of, like, legal hours. Like, we passed the legal limit for them to be allowed to be flying the plane. Also, can I just say that the flight attendants were so incredible through absolutely all this? Because they stop getting paid as soon as the Flight is on the ground. But they were, I mean, cracking jokes, having a great time, keeping people happy, giving people water. Like, I. I just have so much respect for them. They are incredible. So finally, after multiple hours just sitting on the tarmac and Charlotte, they pulled us into a gate. We got off the plane, sat in the terminal for a little bit trying to get answers for what was going on, and eventually got given hotel and meal vouchers. So now I am at a little airport hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the night, and we still don’t have the flight details for when we’re going back tomorrow. And the best part, they didn’t take our bags off the plane. So I have none of my things except, like, the books that I keep in my backpack with me. Still don’t know when the flight tomorrow is. Still don’t know what’s happening. Still don’t know how I’m getting home. So I guess come back for part two. We’ll see if I make it. And I am, of course, so glad that, like, the priority is the safety of the pilot and the crew and all the people on the plane. So this is literally no one’s fault, because no one causes lightning storms. I’m just bummed that I’m in North Carolina and not in Maryland.