The 24-Hour Wait for Power: A Race Car Enthusiast’s Tale of Patience and Instant Gratification

I bought a new carburetor for my race car. I come to the shop, the power is out. THE POWER is OUT. I had to wait 24 hours for this power to get cut back on before we can mount this new carburetor. And one thing about me, I’m a big fan of instant gratification. That was probably the longest 24 hours of my life cause I wanna enjoy the fruits of my labor now damn it! Ha ha. Last car operator that I had on this car or the one that I’m taking off right now. It spits. It pops. To be quite honest, I have to Rev that mug up to about 2,000 RPM before I can even start letting out of the clutch in first gear. So when I say that it is far overdue. I mean, I should have bought this carburetor four years ago, but racing is so damn expensive. We know. I’m trying to move up to a late model. I asked my husband the other day, I’m like how are people are literally affording this? He was like babe, those people aren’t buying rugs. Those people don’t give a damn about the new fall decor and Tractor Supply. Haha and I was like okay, valid. You got a point. But I want nice race car part and a new rug every season. I’ll just have to sacrifice and have a shitty carburetor for a while. Don’t worry, I’ll let you hear it Sounds like a damn cat purring. Not like your favorite cat cause it ain’t a big motor. It’s just like a cool cat. You’re like, oh, that’s cute. Haha.