Transform Your Career in Two Minutes: The Power of Prioritizing Impactful Tasks

Here’s one thing you can start doing that’ll make a big difference in your career. And it literally only takes two minutes. Every morning when you wake up, before you head out the door, before you log into your laptop, ask yourself this one question. If you can only do one thing today exceptionally well, and that one thing should be something that generally has a huge impact on your career if it goes right, what would that be? And then, whatever the answer to that question is, do not touch anything on your to do list until you’ve done that and given it your best shot. Once I started doing this, everything in my life changed. The things that I thought were small, I realised ended up having a really big impact. And when I spent double the time on it, I would end up producing that much better of an output, which would actually have the ability to. To alter the trajectory of my career and make it literally seem like I was having overnight success. All this really does is leverage the power of focus. You will still get everything else done, but instead this will be a forcing mechanism to actually prioritize the things that matter and give your best potential and your best energy that you have at the beginning of the day to it.