A Case for Non-Smoking Spaces in Public Areas: Adapting Responsibly Post-Covid

We adapt by trusting us. What, by killing everybody else, responsible publicans? We don’t go to a pub to smoke, we go to enjoy the drink, we go to enjoy the food. Why do we have to smoke? If you want to smoke, smoke at home or smoke in your car. Don’t smoke in the garden. Spreading all this horrible fumes around to kids walking in and out of entrances. We adapted through Covid and if this rule comes in, we can adapt again. And you know how we will adapt? So, I mean, we can keep being able to smoke outside. We adapt by trusting us. What, us? By killing everybody else around us, responsible publicans? To say, do you know what? Like with my venues, you don’t smoke in my doorways, but people. But people, that’s non smoking. But Miranda, people do smoke in doorways. You’re saying people smoke outside? They smoke in doorways. Families going into pubs that like families can go in, the kids are inhaling the fumes and is is destroying people’s lives. So the right tactic is to allow us to be able to manage that space so we can still create non smoking spaces outside. We can still do that if we’re allowed to do that, and that’s part of what we do, and a lot of us do anyway. But wouldn’t you rather I spend, do you know how much I will say is people don’t open the doors to my pub, Don’t open the doors to our pub and see entire plumes of smoke. I think that’s what. Well, you do. You do