Remastered Icon: The Evoluto 3, 5, 5 – A Modern Retake on a Classic V8 Powerhouse

If you’ve never heard of this car, it is just recently been developed meticulously over the last three and a half years. It’s a massive undertaking when you develop a new car. And it is essentially one of the best analog cars from 30 years ago, but completely remastered. A Nash aspirated V8. It’s got that F1 sound. And it is right here to my right. This is the 3, 5, 5 by Evoluto, Carbon bodied, completely stripped down to the chassis. So they take Ferrari F3, 5, 5 and basically completely rebuild this car. This was one of the most iconic cars back in the day. What this car started life as over 30 years ago. Holy crap. Look at this. If you’ve ever seen the engine bay from the donor car, it didn’t look like this. No, it didn’t. We have added over 200 new parts. We’ve designed and developed, uh, our own, uh, parts that are, some are proprietary to us as a company. Total horsepower, you’re looking about 420. Now that doesn’t sound like a lot, but this car is quite light now. That’s right. So we’ve actually, uh, taken 100 kg of weight off this car. Man. Now you don’t have to go on a diet. Your car does. Yeah, exactly. All right. Look what I got. I have the key. You can completely choose any stitching, any materials you guys want. If you’re in the market. Now, this is an extremely limited car. You’re Only making 55 that’s right now that is insane like 55 in the entire world so go run out the door and pick up your donor car and call these guys cause those are gonna go really quick well let’s fire it up and let’s see what this sounds like I wanna hear it we’re gonna get this going here jump outside Dave I want you to hear from the back عمة عمة عمة oh bro all the fit and finish in here is so beautiful the blue tinted carbon and these billet all I want to do is drive this car but you know what we can’t drive it today but I I was promised these guys are gonna let me drive it so we’ll make a full video experiencing what is probably one of the greatest naturally aspirated VA cars from 30 years ago I just love everything that they’ve done with it I was really excited to share this with you guys so what we’ve done is we’ve taken a 30 year old car that was already brilliant apply 21st century technology to it and made and elevated that driving experience to make it a peak adrenaline yeah you keep rubbing it in I’m not allowed to drive it here you can have your key back dude call me when I can drive it you’ll be we’ll give you a shout back in five minutes drift dash drift dash put a handbrake in here hahaha