The Unrevealed Secret and Overpowered Tactics of De Nieuw Black Mif: A Player’s Perspective

De Nieuw Black Mif Hoe Kan update had a big secret change that the developers did not tell us about. So first, with the sweeping Gill skill Van de Pillar Stans en die endeavorous skill unlocked, you could use 3 light attacks and then a heavy attack and then spam the cloud step spell. If you then got out of the sweeping Gill animation, all the cooldowns for all your spells were gone and you did not need mana anymore. So you can make an army of clones. Really satisfying. You felt like a general sending out your troops, but no enemy or boss stood a chance. It was really cheating. Also because you could immediately immobilize them after they just got out of the effect, so they could be frozen all the time. You could also make multiple rings of fire or put them on top of each other for more health back over time. If you got the consolidation skill unlocked, it was completely broken. It took the fun away from the challenging encounters, but still fun to toy around with it. But yeah, with the new update they secretly removed this tactic from the game.