Protecting Fans: Jeff Dunham’s Serious Message About Scammers

Hey, everybody. Jeff Dunham. How are you? So, uh, this, unfortunately, is not a funny video. This is a very serious video. Um, we’ve had scammers in the past who, uh, pose as me online, and they send fake emails and fake, fake messages through all the different platforms. And it’s, uh, supposedly me asking for money or, uh, wanting to be your friend, uh, or wanting to date you, uh, which then leads to eventually, uh. Oh, by the way, thank you for helping me and I. I need some money. I’m stranded somewhere. It’s the most ridiculous stuff ever, but people have been falling for it, and now it’s gotten really bad with AI. And I just wanted to show you something that we got today. We were contacted by someone who was duped into thinking this was real. And it’s not me. The. The face is great, but they got the voice wrong. And once the voice gets correct, it’s getting scary out there. But let me just show you this. This is not me. I’m never gonna ask you for money. I’m never gonna, uh, wanna be your friend personally on any platform. I don’t do that. Uh, I don’t reach out personally to anybody except my, uh, my family and my close friends. So I don’t communicate that way. So if you ever get a message saying, uh, hey, I wanna be your friend or, hey, I. I’m stuck somewhere, could you put down your Credit card so I can get out of this. You know, I’m. I’m stuck in a car. It. It’s. It’s all fake. I don’t need. I’d love to have your help, but I don’t need your help. I, and I’m. And I’m certainly not asking anybody to be my, uh, uh, a close girlfriend or. Or whatever, but here is the one we just got today. And this is not me. But what’s scary is they used a video of me sitting right here. So here it is. Hey, sweetheart. I just wanted to take a moment to express how special our conversations here are to me. I feel so grateful to be able to connect with you, share our thoughts, and support each other. You bring so much joy and love into my life, and I’m thankful for our connection. I made a quick video to say thank you and to let you know how much you mean to me. Yeah, no, not me. Me, but not me. So, um, do not be fooled. I’m trying to look out for you, the fans and my friends. Um, I wanna entertain you, I wanna make you laugh. And that’s all I need from you. That’s it. Just be my fans. Just laugh. And, you know, download the video, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and to the Facebook, to this one, and on Instagram and all those different platforms. Uh, come to the shows, laugh, have a great time. Don’t send Me money. Uh, uh, I. It’s not me. Okay, I hope we got that clear. So. Yeah, that’s just freaking creepy. That is. It’s just. And it’s right where I’m sitting right now. That is just so dang scary. Alright, so there you go. Maybe I can show you something fun. Well, I’ll show you anything fun. I don’t know. I got a bunch of creepy dummies sitting over there. You wanna see him? Okay, just for the heck of it, these are some. I’ll show you a creepy dummy. This is a really creepy dummy that I got not long ago. How can I entertain you a little bit? This is from like the 60s and it was over in the. In Europe and stuff. And a few of them made them over here to the. This is not gonna be in my act, trust me. But that’s like. Ah, can I open his mouth? I can’t remember how this is. Oh my gosh, it’s so creepy. So anyway. And this guy sold really well. Oh my gosh, it’s so scary. So anyway, yeah, I don’t have any dummies like that. That’ll scare away the scammers. Okay, again, not me. Don’t be fooled. Thanks, everybody stay safe out there.