Chaos and Comedy: A Day in the Life of Jason and Friends

What the fuck is that? Have you seen this? Jason, have you seen this? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don’t walk on it. A maniac. Let’s all just stop. That’s a bit far to jump, do you not think? You think you could jump that? Not with your leg. Give us some plank of wood, I’ll lay it over the top and we’ll just walk over. I got hooves, don’t I? Right, that’s the drawing board. Um. I’m a heart set and going in that field today, but that grass looks lovely over there. Flipping car coming, guys. Car! Guys, we’ll just come over here, block the road for that car. Janine, good spot here for you. Oh, which one? You’ll get me. Don’t beep your horn at me. I’m not moving. You could have gone through the high street, but you didn’t. Right, let me just have a shit in the road and eat some of this grass and I’ll get out of your way. You ain’t getting over that there, mate. I’ll go see you. You wanna guess? Give it a go. How’d you do that? How’d you do that? Did you see that? It’s drove straight over it. Now, after seeing that car do it, I’m thinking that I could at least give it a go. Would you reckon I’ll try it? I don’t know. You know, I’m just gonna go. No, mate. A little like that. Literally one. No, I’ve got a big week next week. I Can’t afford to snap a hoof. I just literally did it. No, I’ll just stay this side, mate. It’s. It’s better anyway. Give me my money up. Not happy about that.