Exploring the Coolest Photo Booths in South Korea: From Airplanes to Vending Machines

You guys, I found the coolest photo booth in South Korea during my TikTok live. You guys, this is like a bus. Have you ever been on a bus and thought, you know what, I want to take a huge selfie with my friends? Or how about an airplane? Like seriously, they even have luggage in an overhead bin for you and your friends or how about the shopping market? But you guys, I noticed that they had American cereals that we can’t even buy in South Korea. I’m super jealous. Or how about the, haha, how about the airplane bathroom? Haha, gotta be honest, I’ve never been in the airplane bathroom and thought, hmm, good selfie time, but if you want to, you can or how about the subway? You guys, I cannot believe I found this place like legit. You can fit so many friends in this photo booth or how about not even South Korea, how about a Japanese, um, vending machine? Like seriously, and they even have a ton of props that you can use for free. And you guys, nobody works here. The, these are very popular in Korea. They’re open 24 hours. All of these props are free. No one steals them. And look how well organized it is too. I think this one is new y’all because, um, I do TikTok lives in downtown South Korea. They go South Korea all the time and I’ve never seen this place. It is so cool. They have so many different Rooms. You guys have got to check this. They even had a bunny room I didn’t get a picture of. Like and follow for more.