Pizza vs. Pasta: A Pet’s Routine and Racing Preferences

Hi, G Q. I’m Chelsea Clark. Always alternate the answer between pizza and pasta. I’ll go for pizza today. He’s wake up, uh, jump absolutely everywhere in the bed, and then he sleeps a lot. I mean, he’s still a puppy, so he. He sleeps a lot, play, sleeps again. Eat, play. That’s his routine. Two are fighting for the top spot. Uh, one is the Monaco Grand Prix, and, um. And the other one is Monza. Uh, it’s very difficult to. To separate them both. Having the emotions a bit more fresh from the Monaco in. I will probably choose the Monaco in. As also. There have been so many years where things didn’t seem to click, and finally we managed to. To win that race, so. So, yeah, maybe. Maybe my home race. I think it will be for a full collection. Um, but, yeah, who knows? Stay tuned.