Hyundai N Vision 74: A Futuristic Electric Vehicle Review and Preview

and I’d be like why are you so obsessed with me Hyundai is not playing with y’all anymore well let me tell you this is the Hyundai N Vision 74 this is going to be their high performance electric vehicle let’s get into the design honestly this the design is very aggressive looking but I’m getting the vibes of cyberpunk and back to the future like the Delorean but this is like what it would be if it was in a modern age now when it comes to the performance it’s not much that’s known about it but they say it’s gonna be something that Car lovers want one thing I’ve noticed behind it I’ve been watching the study and they have been stepping up on all rounds when it comes to a vehicle yeah outside of the horrible PR they have currently they are still stepping up and each time they’re showing innovation one fun fact I do know about this car that they are going to add electric batteries to the rear wheels so that you can actually drift with this car I think this is the first electric vehicle that’s done that but listen Hyundai don’t stop stepping on Necks cause the Hyundai Hotties has been dming me and they wanna review so whenever this car comes out contact me for a review what are your thoughts on this car let me know in the comments