Financial Success in Your 20s: Lessons Learned on Making Your First Million

Everything. I wish somebody told me about money in my early 20s. I was able to make my first million before I turned 30. But I would have got there a lot sooner if I didn’t have to figure out all these things by myself. One thing that I did write was I made all my memories early. I travelled really young. I went to the club a lot when I was really, really young. What that meant is that I was bored of it by the time I was about 24, 25. And I use that time to learn and educate myself. But two, I wish I knew this sooner, and I tell my siblings this all the time. Do not save your money. Put your savings into a mutual ETF fund and invest. I wish. I wish. I wish I knew this sooner because I would have been wealthier years earlier. No. 3 is start your own business or pick a career in an industry that easily allows you to make over six figures. The primary word being easy. Some industries have a lot of money flowing through and some industries don’t. For example, the tech. The tech industry is very easy to make over 6 figures. So pick your industry or your niche carefully, otherwise you will suffer further down the line. And now I look back at all the cringy things that I tried in my early 20s, and the only thing I regret is not Trying even more things. Don’t be afraid to try. Don’t feel like you’re cringy. I don’t even remember half of the cringy shit I did. All I know is that we got money now.